VIP Bespoke 1:1


Bespoke 1:1's aim to get to the root cause of any specific health concern. You’ll receive three, one hour monthly check ins and unlimited contact with me for 12 weeks. My 1:1's are for those that need nurturing over a longer period of time and those who may need specific tests or supplement programmes.

£750 for 3 months (£250 a month)

Get started today

Bespoke 1:1's aim to get to the root cause of any specific health concern. You’ll receive three, one hour monthly check ins and unlimited contact with me for 12 weeks. My 1:1's are for those that need nurturing over a longer period of time and those who may need specific tests or supplement programmes.

£750 for 3 months (£250 a month)

Bespoke 1:1's aim to get to the root cause of any specific health concern. You’ll receive three, one hour monthly check ins and unlimited contact with me for 12 weeks. My 1:1's are for those that need nurturing over a longer period of time and those who may need specific tests or supplement programmes.

£750 for 3 months (£250 a month)

Dedicated support to take control of your health

Are you struggling with symptoms like this?

  • Indigestion/acid reflux

    Digestive issues

    Anxiety, depression and mental health issues

    Food cravings

    Blood sugar imbalances

    Hormone imbalances

    Chronic fatigue and brain fog

    Joint pain

These types of symptoms are often chalked up to busy life but they are signs that something isn’t right in your body.

Imagine how great you would feel if you could get on top of them and feel like the best YOU?

I know you can because I’ve done it myself.

I used to “fuel” my body with foods and drinks that did nothing to support my wellbeing. Little did I know that these lifestyle choices were the reason for my health problems. I was exhausted and run down. Colds, cold sores, bad skin, and weight gain were my “normal”.

Having children changed all of that. I wanted to make sure we were eating clean, natural, organic and fresh foods. I changed my shopping habits, learnt how to cook nutritious meals and exercised regularly. I lost weight, my skin glowed and I felt incredible.

Realising I could turn my health around through diet, lifestyle and targeted supplements led me to study at the Institute of Optimal Nutrition (ION).

Now, I use my knowledge and training to empower clients like you to feel your best ever self. With my support, you can uncover what’s driving your symptoms and address them. You can get your body back in balance and start living a fuller life.

It’s absolutely possible, even if you have a health condition and take medications to suppress symptoms.

Here’s how we’ll make it happen:

✨Three 60-minute consultations over 12 weeks to deep dive into your symptoms and assess your progress towards your health goals. If necessary, we can adjust the plan in line with your circumstances, progress and goals.

✨1 email or telephone response between each session to get support, ask questions and address setbacks that may occur

✨ 10% discount on supplements from either The Natural Dispensary or Amrita

I’m passionate about empowering my clients to take control of their health because I truly believe that your body can heal itself.

Supporting your mind and body with healthy, nutritious foods and lifestyle choices is the basis for a happier and healthier you.

It’s time to feel lighter, brighter and full of energy!

To get started, click the link below to pay your £750.

You’ll then be asked to complete a health and lifestyle questionnaire and food diary before your first consultation. The information you provide helps me to create a programme that will be most effective for YOU.